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Can't open image attachments, don't have "permission" - why not?


DF Vagrant
Hey folks, why don't I have the permission to view pictures in full resolution? I can see the thumbnails, but when I click on them all I'm getting is


What do I need to do to get the permission?


DF Vagrant
Weird enough, when I log out, I can see the big pictures without problems. I only have no permission opening them when I'm logged in. So my user has less privilege than the logged out guest!

Please fix this! Thanks!


DF Pleb
Just noticed I have the same issue.

Different VPN server. Fail
Different browser. Fail
Logout as member, re-enter as guest. Success

Houston, we have a problem.


Moderator | Deepfake Creator | Guide maintainer
Staff member
Verified Video Creator
I have the isssue! Isnt anyone from the support gonna answer or fix?
Not everyone has this issue, so it's something related to your browser/vpn or something else, open a support ticket and wait for reply or try different browser, change your vpn settings, clear your cookies, update current browser, disable some browser addons/extensions.


DF Enthusiast
I'll try to remember to raise a ticket, but the workaround right now is to logout and open the thread and view it logged out, same browser session just a different tab, when logged out and I can blow-up thumbnails...very weird. Using Opera and NordVPN (without VPN I cannot even see the website so no option other than changing VPN - but that's a seperate erratic issue when viewing the actual videos when you get the not found)