Glamping With Zendaya

There once was a man, surrounded by sand. Just laying around, nudging his hand.
He knew it was shady, so he texted a lady. "Girl can you come? Let's have us some fun".
Along came the gal, right on demand. She started to rap, he said it was crap. Shit had no rhyme, most definitely a crime.
She relentlessly cursed, kicked and coerced. "Give me some time, I'll blow up your mind"
Dude had no clue, what the fuck he should do. Out went the girl, she ran with a whirl.
10 seconds later, she yelled and bated. "Worms of the Dune! Give me your tune! My name is Zendaya, I'm here to playa!
If I can't sing, or chime out a theme! Sign me a pact, and let me just act!"
Before it made sense, she was re-entering my tent. With crap up her nose, she wanted my hose......... \(〇_o)/

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